lunes, 19 de enero de 2015

Well in this occasion i talk about some important things that you need to  know
How to keep safe on a day on beach

Its usually that in holidays you go with your family or friends to the beach but sometimes some accidents happen because anybody wouldnt know how to react in a emergency situation so here we have some security measures:

  •  Know your swimming limitations
 Don't put yourself into a dangerous situation, especially when you are with your kids.

  •  Be especially cautious in unfamiliar waters
Always investigate the place you're entering first. Ask locals, scope out potential problems and stay out if you're unsure. 

  • Recognize a Riptide
Take a second to watch the water before you go in. Is there a section of the beach where the waves just aren't breaking? Does the whitewater that's rolling in mysteriously disappear in a section? That is the deeper water. Waves break where the water gets shallow. If they aren't breaking, it's deeper there and you should move your kids somewhere well away from it because chances are, that's the spot that's pulling out to sea.

  •  Know how to get out of a riptide
Swim parallel to the shore, not towards it. The riptide might only be a few yards wide. Once you're out of it, getting to shore will be relatively easy again.

  • Talk to the lifeguards before you go in
They are the experts and you should respect that. Ask them where the safest place is for you and the kids. Have them point out dangerous spots (they'll know where they are and where they form with changing tides). If you're not a strong swimmer, let them know and ask them to keep a particular eye out for your children.

  • Assign a guardian when you are away

When you need to leave, assign someone specific to watch your children. Tell them "You are in charge of them until I come back. DO NOT STOP WATCHING THEM UNTIL THEN." Be firm about it. If you don't give someone this responsibility, you can't assume that someone is going to just naturally take over.

1 comentario:

  1. Great safety measures to avoid accidents on the beach! Well done and keep writing!
