domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

Project of English

HI Guys!!!
 In this occasion i talk about of a video that i saw the last friday its about for "OFV" and this is a small synopsis :
Well the video start when a guys stay in a tipic house in the country and they playing in a river  then  one boy look a something strange in the river but he dont care and when the guys go back to the house they have a different planings for the night special for your sister but then everything its strange because de "aliens" arrive to the house and the guys stay very  very scared and if you want know most about the video i post the link on the finish for this note
Well this tipe of video i dont like because i dont believe in the "aliens" but i think if you want see a interesting video you can see this and i am sure that you fun with this.

sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014

Daughter of smoke and bone

Title: Daughter of smoke and bone
Author Laini Taylor.
Year: 2011
Pages: 432
Karou, a 17-year old art student living in Prague, goes about her daily life attending classes and going for dinner with her best friend Zuzana, while simultaneously trying to evade her ex-boyfriend Kazimir. It is soon revealed, however, that Karou was raised by four chimaera living in a workshop on a trans-dimensional plane between the human world and Eretz, from where the chimaera originate. The workshop is owned by Brimstone, who is her father figure...
I love this book but when i was start to read i confess that i said "i should buy another book"and then i decided continue reading and i  fall in love with this story because its very interesting as Laini creates the world (where the chimaera and angels live this place is Eretz)  and the way describe Praga and in this moment i promise me travel to Praga before to die (okey okey i exited but i hope travel to praga) and i dont know but the first pages its very boring but then the story has complicated and you need know what happen with the characters and and what will happen after Well its a  beautiful book when you finish the first part because its a trilogy and one e-book you want to have the second part in your hands for me its the best story that i read and in this moment i read the finally part and i read very very slowy because i dont know what i  going to, when i finish all books 
Now tell me Are you read this book? are you liked? 
Hi guys !!!
My name is Karen and this blog talk about for dfferent things  (:
For start i post the list of my favorite books:
                             Daughter of smoke and bone 



 Throne of Glass
Night School

Well this is my top 5 of my favorite books <3  I hope you enjoy it and say me. what kind of books do you like read ?